Marvel Legends Punisher Variant Figure
Marvel Legends

Exclusive Marvel Legends Punisher Figure Review

Ever since the Punisher first appeared in 1974's Amazing Spider-Man #129, donning the iconic skull emblem, die-hard fans were born! It took over 10 years for the Punisher to be awarded his own self titled series but from the moment it hit the stands the violent vigilante was at the top of the sales charts. With his popularity proven, Toy Biz has created a Punisher figure for every Marvel line they ever created.

When Marvel Legends premiered, the fan-favorite made his debut in this line with wave 4 in 2003. While that figure is an excellent version, still sought after today, every new Punisher figure that Marvel Legends releases has improved upon the last. The most recent few figures though have capitalized on the same sculpt with slight paint variations and it seemed as though they had done all they could to immortalize this character in plastic.

That is until Hasbro announced the Marvel Comics 80th Anniversary Marvel Legends Punisher giving us a badly needed updated version of the Punisher! While we have seen a skull-face painted Punisher back in the Marvel Legends Nemesis wave the aspect that puts this new figure over the top are the extras. Anytime you are presented with a new figure, especially one that had a version offered to us before, the real key is to make it different enough or provide more a different array of accessories and this figure, thankfully, does both!

Hasbro's recent Marvel Legends Punisher Variant Figure is improved with:

  • Points of Articulation – An amazing 23 points of articulation allows a lot of freedom to explore all sorts of poses and display opportunities especially with the thigh rotation and the ankle swivel joints.
  • Paint Applications – The paint apps are far superior to earlier offerings in that Hasbro really made sure to get the details right!
    • The painted skull face is done with a lighter wash to make it look as though it was sloppily smeared on by the actual character rather than spray painted on by a machine. The clean, bright white and blue eyes seem to command attention through the dark make-up around the eyes and make his stare unnerving. Clever uses of the paint apps like this really make this figure stand out above the rest!
    • The alternative head showcases a darker tone on the jaw with flecks of black lines to convey a thicker 5 o'clock shadow as well as streaks of blue running through the matte black hair to make it look as though the Punisher has jumped right off the page! The shading around his eyes gives that tired, desperate look like a man at war would have. A man at the end of his rope with nothing to lose! That's the Punisher we all know and enjoy.
    • This figure sports a black flack jacket adorned with pouches and silver buckles and buttons. Most of the body region looks used over from previous releases but, for me, part of the charm with Marvel Legends is trying to identify where the appendages and clothing were used before. Part of reusing the pieces and clothing is re-painting it to make sure it fits the new figure and looks different enough to not be recognized right away. Here, that is accomplished effortlessly as the weapons belt and flack jacket complete the Punisher's look.
  • This is one of the tallest Marvel Legends Punisher yet - Standing just over the 6-inch mark he's inching out previous releases like the Vintage and Thunderbolts Frank Castles.
  • Plenty of ACCESSORIES! - Having a lot of weapons to go along with your Punisher figure is all about so the fact that Hasbro included a sniper rifle, pistol, and automatic weapon is fantastic. Sure there have been Punisher releases that boast more weaponry but this is nothing to sneeze at! Especially when you can pose him, armed to the teeth, aiming pieces, with both hands!

Overall, I am extremely pleased with the new Marvel Comics 80th Anniversary Marvel Legends Punisher figure. It's the perfect updated version we need to display the evolution of the well-loved character and shows the intensity and insanity that Frank Castle needs to inhabit to take down the city's underworld. This makes a great addition to any Marvel Legends collector's collection.

Buy the Marvel Legends Punisher Exclusive Variant figure today.