Schleich horse breeds. Three Schleich horses.

Schleich Horse Breeds: Which Does Schleich Love Most?

Have you ever wondered what Schleich's favorite horse breeds are? We were curious too, so we spent some time going over data. We were on a mission to discover what horse breeds get the most attention from Schleich. We were surprised to learn that Schleich is actually pretty fair. More on that in a bit.

The Andalusian, Black Forest, Clydesdale, Holsteiner, Knabstrupper, Oldenburg, Paint Horse, Pinto, Pura Raza Espanola, Tinker, and Trakehner are the most produced Schleich horse breeds in 2022.

So how did I become the authority on Schleich? We're actually the Schleich Flagship Store here in the United States. We have a very unique partnership that has allowed me to become an expert of all things Schleich. I hope you're excited to learn a few things about Schleich horse breeds!

Wait, wait, wait! If you're actually looking to just shop, you can browse our Schleich horses here. You can also shop all Schleich products here.

Schleich Horse Breed Criteria

For the purpose of this study, we will not include playsets. Schleich playsets include anything that is more than a single horse. So if it's a set that includes a horse and a rider, then we did not include that in this study.

Key Findings of Schleich Horse Breeds

Here are the key findings that we had when it came to Schleich horse breeds.

  • There were 61 total horses made by Schleich.
  • There were a total of 31 Schleich horse breeds.
  • There were not more than three of any given horse breed.
  • There were 7 different types of horses (Well, really 5, but there were 2 we were not able to definitively identify).
  • The mare was most popular type of horse.
  • All Schleich horses have an item number beginning with the number 13.

How Many Horses Has Schleich Made?

So just how many horses does Schleich actually make? It's a good question. The answer actually surprised me. With Schleich horses being the most popular of Schleich products, I was expecting this number to be higher, but when I really thought about it, the numbers make sense.

In 2022, Schleich produced a total of 61 different horses. Of the 222 of standalone animals produced, horses account for 27% of the total animals.

In 2022, there were a total of 454 Schleich product made. Of those, many are playsets. They made 222 total standalone animals in total. Here's a chart that shows some of our finding with the number of horses Schleich has made:

Category Total % of Total
Total SKUs 454 100%
Playsets 232 51%
Standalone Animals 222 49%
Horses 61 13%


If you'd like to look at the same scenario but only looking at standalone animals produced, Schleich horses account for 27% of all standalone animals, which is shown in this chart:

Category Total % of Total
Standalone Animals 222 100%
Horses 61 27%

How Many Different Schleich Horse Breeds Are There?

Digging deeper, let's explore the number of Schleich horse breeds. Each year, Schleich produces new animal figures and retires a number as well. So while this number can change over time, this is the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Schleich produced a total of 31 horse breeds in 2022. For each breed produced, there are anywhere from one to three horse figures made.

The following chart breaks down how many of each horse breed was produced in 2022. It also shows the percentage compared to the total number of Schleich horses made.

Schleich Horse Breed Total % of Total
Akhal-Teke 1 1.6%
American Saddlebred 2 3.3%
Andalusian 3 4.9%
Appaloosa 1 1.6%
Arabian 2 3.3%
Belgian Draft 1 1.6%
Black Forest 3 4.9%
Black Hannoverian 1 1.6%
Clydesdale 3 4.9%
Connemara Pony 1 1.6%
Criollo Definitivo 2 3.3%
English Thoroughbred 1 1.6%
Friesian 1 1.6%
German Riding Pony 2 3.3%
Holsteiner 3 4.9%
Island Pony 2 3.3%
Knabstrupper 3 4.9%
Lipizzaner 1 1.6%
Mustang 1 1.6%
Oldenburg 3 4.9%
Paint Horse 3 4.9%
Pinto 3 4.9%
Pura Raza Española 3 4.9%
Quarter Horse 2 3.3%
Red Dun Hannoverian 2 3.3%
Silver Dapple 1 1.6%
Sorraia Mustang 1 1.6%
Tennessee Walker 2 3.3%
Tinker 3 4.9%
Trakehner 3 4.9%
Welsh Pony 1 1.6%

How Many Types of Schleich Horses Are There?

While doing research, we decided to also explore the different types of horses made by Schleich. We wanted to know how many of each was made and what that breakdown looks like.

Schleich produced 24 mares, 14 stallions, 13 foals, 7 geldings, 1 undescribed horse, 1 pony mare, and 1 young horse in 2022. This equals a total of 61 total horses made by Schleich.

The following chart breaks the Schleich horses down by type. To note, we were unable to identify whether the horse and young horse described were mares or geldings:

Horse Type Total % of Total
Mare 24 39.3%
Stallion 14 23.0%
Foal 13 21.3%
Gelding 7 11.5%
Horse 1 1.6%
Pony Mare 1 1.6%
Young Horse 1 1.6%


I hope you enjoyed the information that we put together about Schleich horse breeds how that looks from a graphical perspective.

We explored a lot including how many products were made while breaking them down, how many different breeds there are, as well as the different types of horses.

Where there were no more than 3 horses per breed, it would appear that Schleich seems to give a little love to all the breeds. They're a pretty fair company, don't you think?

I hope that this article about Schleich horse breeds helped answer your questions and that you learned something new!